Never ending list of productivity and reward recommendations

This is a list of productivity and reward recommendations (as you can probably guess from the title). I use these as motivation to be productive, or as a trophy after completing my list of actionable steps for the day.

I will try to keep this list updated as I find new things. And I will try my best to only add things you probably have not heard of before.

Tv Shows

  • Halt and Catch Fire – (on Netflix as of 2021) – About the successes and tribulations of a group of self starters, entrepreneurs and engineers. Really good acting, cast, and writing.
  • ZeroZeroZero – on Amazon Prime – I usually don’t like drug crime dramas, but this one is so well done I’m enjoying every second of it.


  • Captain Fantastic (Netflix)


  • Productivity playlist on Spotify – it is the first result I got when I typed in “productivity playlist” on the search on Spotify. It is great. It puts me in the zone immediately
  • Concentration Music – first result in either Spotify or Youtube(the thumbnail has a blue man). It really turns your neurons on. It really works if you listen with headphones.

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