March 18, 2023

This is what works for me to stay productive when I haven’t had enough sleep. Everyone is different, and has a different level of energy and sleep requirements. For some people, pumping caffeine works. But the goal is to move as close to the ideal circadian rhythm as possible; i.e. wake up at or before…

What is the purpose? Prioritize
November 9, 2022

Every second, ask yourself: What is the purpose of this moment? You are sitting in front of your computer, typing away trying to curb the fierceness of your thoughts, when an urge to look up an online sale comes along. And you step on the breaks of a 100 mile per hour train to full…

Choosing a path
January 20, 2022

If I was a person who ONLY made the right decision, what decision would I make right now? This is a question that should take permanent residence in your mind. It will help you make better decisions. When working out, there are a few ways to perform the same exercise routine. There is the light…

April 5, 2021

Living in the moment is as important as looking forward to the next thing. How often an upcoming show, concert, or even a new episode of a beloved show have kept your mood up for an entire day or weeks? Give yourself mini rewards to look forward to in the future to get through the…