Tag: writing

  • I am the Door – New Release

    The finale is finally here! Available now on paperback and on October 31st in ebook format! Link

  • Reflections on my first radio interview

    Last Updated: I had my first radio interview last week on a local station, KOOP 91.7 FM, on a show called Writing on the Air. These are some of my reflections: My wife listened to the interview that evening while I walked Logan. When I came back, she told me, with a big smile on her face, that she…

  • Where writing takes you

    Every book and story I write starts with a simple idea, a little jolt of energy that makes me scratch my chin and go: “Huh,” or toss and turn in bed until I jot it down. I usually begin writing immediately before the initial spark fades away and make sense of symbolism and themes in…

  • Going Wide

    I have begun moving all my catalog of books to wide retailers. That means, they will no longer belong to Kindle Unlimited, but will be available at as any retailers as I can get them in. They will still be available for purchase on Amazon, as well as Apple Books, Google Play Books, Kobo (and…

  • 2023 New Book Releases this Year

    2023 New Book Releases this Year

    These have been the 2023 new book releases this year so far. I am always writing, always working to put out new and quality material. Each book gets better and better. I have learned important lessons along the way. All of my books are currently on Kindle Unlimited. For the rest of my backlog, click…

  • How to stay productive with not enough sleep

    This is what works for me to stay productive when I haven’t had enough sleep. Everyone is different, and has a different level of energy and sleep requirements. For some people, pumping caffeine works. But the goal is to move as close to the ideal circadian rhythm as possible; i.e. wake up at or before…

  • Dean Wesley Smith’s approach

    I just found this out this morning. Dean Wesley Smith’s approach to writing. What he says aligns very well to my own thinking. If you need awards and acclaims in order to listen to someone, he has written 200+ books, NYT bestseller and all the awards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypG4iuJ9_ck Write into the dark. Start writing without really…

  • What is the purpose?

    What is the purpose?

    Every second, ask yourself: What is the purpose of this moment? You are sitting in front of your computer, typing away trying to curb the fierceness of your thoughts, when an urge to look up an online sale comes along. And you step on the breaks of a 100 mile per hour train to full…

  • How to make better decisions

    How to make better decisions

    If I was a person who ONLY made the right decision, what decision would I make right now? This is a question that should take permanent residence in your mind. It will help you make better decisions. When working out, there are a few ways to perform the same exercise routine. There is the light…

  • Prose Styles – Plainsong and Baroque

    In prose, there are two different styles. Plainsong and Baroque. You might have heard of them. Let me explain each one briefly, and provide an example piece of text telling the same story in the two different styles. Plainsong Short sentences, not many adjectives and adverbs. Blunt and straightforward. The little girl came in. She…