Category: Toolkit

  • Prose Styles – Plainsong and Baroque

    In prose, there are two different styles. Plainsong and Baroque. You might have heard of them. Let me explain each one briefly, and provide an example piece of text telling the same story in the two different styles. Plainsong Short sentences, not many adjectives and adverbs. Blunt and straightforward. The little girl came in. She…

  • Transcluding in Ancient Times: AngularJS

    I attempted transcluding in multiple slots before multiple slot transclusion was invented in AngularJS. Weapon of choice: AngularJS 1.3.4. My use case was to create a customizable table that could be reused by changing the table columns and headers. The goal was to keep some functionality and styling throughout the different uses but only change…

  • A simple exercise to get out of a writer’s block

    Reading time: 5 minutes Writer’s block is a widespread outbreak, but it has a cure. I bet you often wonder the same questions I do. “If I have a hyperactive brain that always gives me insomnia, how come there is a blank page before me when I try to put my thoughts down to paper?”…

  • Morning Routines: How to Rise Like a Phoenix

    Morning Routines: How to Rise Like a Phoenix

    Maintain morning routines to keep a consistent flow of productivity throughout your day.