About Me

Relvin Gonzalez is a Puerto Rican fiction author who enjoys capturing the intrinsic darkness of the human mind. His short stories have appeared in the Soul Anthology from Graveside Press and other online magazines. Gonzalez has also written several books. Among them are his first novel, The Void Beyond the Walls, a dark literary fiction written from the point of view of a Texan serial killer who travels to Mars, the 444 mythological science fiction series, including the titles Hefnd, Path of the Hybrids, Messengers Rising, and I Am the Door, and the psychedelic journey into madness, Glia, among others. Relvin lives with his wife, son, and dog in Austin, Texas.

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Short Bio

Relvin Gonzalez is a Puerto Rican fiction. His short stories have appeared in the Soul Anthology from Graveside Press and other online magazines. Gonzalez has written several books. Among them are The Void Beyond the Walls; the 444 series, including Hefnd, Path of the Hybrids, Messengers Rising, and I Am the Door; and Glia. Relvin lives with his wife, son, and dog in Austin, Texas.

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Relvin Gonzalez

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Brian’s sister just disappeared. He was never well to begin with.

New York City lawyer Brian Grant has everything he needs to be an upstanding member of society: a good job, an office with the view, and a fresh bottle of antipsychotics keeping him sane.

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The Void Beyond the Walls

He had killed dozens. Then NASA hired him.

Faced with the threat of solar flares, the government assembles a team to terraform Mars and hire Dean Turner, a leading construction worker from Texas, as the mission’s fourth member.

And he is about to leave behind the product of his urges—dismantled bodies hidden inside walls—and find in the stars the only cage that will contain him.

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Path of the Hybrids

Thirty children will become Archangel Lucifer’s assassins. They were all created to obey blindly—all but one.

In an enclosed multilevel complex, they train to fulfill a simple task.

Get in. Kill. Get out.

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They came in the dark, silent as shadow walkers, deadly as giants.

On the last night of Yule, savage raiders ransack a Viking village.

Only a few survive.

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Messengers Rising

The only way to save her loved ones is by killing a human.

Luna must seek a target named Robert on the barbaric planet Earth and end his life. Only then will Lucifer release her mother and allow her to reunite with her friends.

However, upon arrival, she discovers her prejudice against earthlings might have been a deception.

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I am the Door

The Path to the Ancestor requires sacrifice.

The last confrontation takes place in two worlds, one brimming with the promise of a genuine victory, while the other looms ominously, ready to steal it all away.

The battle at Derinkuyu is over, and the surviving Watchers have retreated. Luna, her friends, and an army of humans must now travel to planet Arvo and finish what they started—to face Lucifer and rescue Luna’s mother.

Buy on Amazon Buy on Apple Buy on Google Buy on Barnes & Noble Buy on Kobo Buy on Smashwords Arvo welcomes them with a hauntingly quiet and barren scenery, hinting at the lurking dangers that lie within. But fear dies when there is nothing left to lose.

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As Seen On
