How I Write

I take notes of ideas that pop up in my mind throughout the day and make general, big-picture plans for the story, but I do not create an outline before starting a new project. I prefer to simply write and allow the story to tell itself.

  • Clean Desk

    A simple desk with only my laptop on it.

  • Defined Working Times

    Write at the same time everyday.

  • No Distractions

    Only listen to music without lyrics. Noise-cancellation earbuds help.

My Tools

My Most Important Tools

Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.

Ken Robinson

Main Working Principles

The Most Important Steps To Follow

Write A Lot

Write bad sentences. Write good sentences. Just write.

Read A Lot

Always have a book or kindle with you, and an in-progress book.

Spread Your Ideas

Stories are built on multiple unrelated ideas clashing together to form a new thing.